
2014 28th Symposium on Fusion Technology SOFT, San Sebastian, Spain, (29th September–3rd October)

The Effect of the Accuracy of Toroidal Field Measurements on Spatial Consistency of Kinetic Profiles at JET


2014 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin, Germany, (23rd–27th June)

Observation of Nitrogen Seeding Effects on Density Fluctuations at the Edge Pedestal by Radial Correlation Reflectometry in JET


2014 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin, Germany, (23rd–27th June)

Electron Temperature and Density Inferred from JET ECE Diagnostics


2014 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin, Germany, (23rd–27th June)

Gas Puff Modulation Experiments in JET L- and H-mode Plasmas


2014 21st International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions PSI, Kanazawa, Japan, (26th–30th May)

Impact of Localized Gas Injection on ICRF Coupling and SOL Parameters in JET-ILW H-mode Plasmas


2014 21st International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions PSI, Kanazawa, Japan, (26th–30th May)

Localized Scrape-Off Layer Density Modifications by Ion Cyclotron Near Fields in JET and ASDEX-Upgrade L-mode Plasmas


2010 18th High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Wildwood, New Jersey, USA, (16th–20th May)

New Frequency Translation Technique for FM-CW Reflectometry


2010 18th High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Wildwood, New Jersey, USA, (16th–20th May)

Multi-Band Reflectometry System for Density Profile Measurement with High Temporal Resolution on JET Tokamak


2008 17th Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostic (HTPD), Albuquerque, New Mexico (11th–15th May)

In-Situ Calibration of the Correlation Reflectometry Systems on the Joint European Torus Tokamak


2008 17th Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostic (HTPD), Albuquerque, New Mexico (11th–15th May)

First Density Profile Measurements Using FMCW Reflectometry on JET
